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Consent to Services and Classes Waiver of Liability

Please read all information carefully.

All Services including Classes:


  •    I understand that the services and classes (online or in-person) provided by Soul Energy Work, LLC and its practitioners / teachers are for the intention of non-medical stress reduction, general relaxation, and improvement of energy circulation and flow.


  •    I understand that the practitioners / teachers do not diagnose illness, disease or any other physical or mental disorder.  The practitioners / teachers do not prescribe medical treatment of pharmaceuticals nor do they perform any spinal manipulation.  It has been made very clear that Energy Healing is not a substitute for medical examination or diagnosis and that it is recommended that I see a medical practitioner for any physical ailment that I may have.


  •    I understand that services and classes (online or in-person) offered today and in the future are not a substitute for medical care. I understand that any information provided by the practitioners / teachers and discussed with the client / student is for conversational purposes only and is not diagnostically prescriptive in nature.


  •     I agree that any information shared by the client / student and practitioners / teachers during or in reference to past, present, and future sessions and classes is for conversational purposes only.


  •     I understand that sage, incense, candles, palo santo, oils, and other items may be burned, diffused, or have been used in or near the area where services (including classes) will be provided.


  •     I am responsible for the personal items I bring with me. I am also responsible for making sure I take my personal items with me when I leave. I agree that Soul Energy Work, LLC and its practitioners / teachers are not responsible for any of my personal items.


  •     I have consulted a medical doctor or licensed medical health care practitioner regarding any medical conditions I have before taking part in services and classes (online or in-person) provided by Soul Energy Work, LLC.


  •     I agree to immediately inform Soul Energy Work, LLC and its practitioners / teachers of any unusual sensations or discomfort during the session or class so that adjustments may be made. If discomfort is severe, client / student should contact his or her physician and session or participation in class will continue only after physician permits.


  •     I agree to communicate honestly with the practitioners / teachers. I understand that if I fail to fully disclose all information, my session or class (online or in-person) may end with results other than intended. I also take full responsibility of the results of the session or class (online or in-person) and do not hold the practitioners / teachers liable.


  •     I agree that Soul Energy Work, LLC, its members, practitioners, teachers, officers, employees, and agents reserve the right to refuse services and classes (online or in-person) to anyone for any reason at any time, before or during a session or class as long as no discriminatory practices occur.


  •     I understand that I am responsible for voicing any concerns regarding the session or class as they present themselves, so that the practitioners / teachers may address them and make adjustments.


  •     I realize and understand that Energy Healing may involve the laying of hands on the client’s / student's body while fully clothed.  I further understand that Energy Healing is strictly non-Sexual.


  •     By signing this release, I hereby assume full responsibility for receipt of the services and classes (online or in-person) provided and release and discharge Soul Energy Work, LLC, the practitioners, teachers and all other staff from any and all claims, liabilities, damages, actions or causes of action arising from the services provided, including, without limitation to the fullest extent allowed by law.


  •     I understand and agree that this Consent will apply to and govern the current and all future sessions and classes performed by the practitioners / teachers.


  •     I understand I am receiving a service and or participating in a class, as a student I understand that I will receive information, instruction, and demonstrations by the teacher / practitioner on students for the purpose of displaying how to perform actions required of the class. I understand that I will be asked to perform the instruction given to me on myself, other students, and or the teacher / practitioner in order to demonstrate my understanding and abilities that are required of the class. I understand other students may be asked to practice on me in order to demonstrate their understanding and abilities that are required of the class as well.


  •     I have been fully informed and have had all questions answered regarding the potential benefits and possible side effects of the services (including classes) provided.


  •     I represent and warrant that I have no physical or mental health condition(s) that would prevent my safe participation in any session or class environment.


  •     I understand that all services and classes (online or in-person) provided including but not limited to; Energy Healing, Energy Work, Reiki, Meditation, Tarot Card Readings, Oracle Card Readings, Rune Readings, and Classes are for Entertainment purposes only.


  •     I agree to assume full responsibility for any risks, injuries or damages, known and unknown, which I might incur as a result of receipt of services / participating in the class.


  •     I agree to waive, release, discharge and hold harmless Soul Energy Work, LLC, its practitioners, teachers, members, officers, employees and agents (including their heirs, executors, administrators, next of kin, assigns and successors), as well as owners of the business, building owners of the locations where services and classes (online or in-person) are performed at from any and all liability for any and all injuries, including death, damages or claims relating to or resulting from my (the client / student) receipt of the services or classes, now or in the future, foreseen or unforeseen.

Last Updated - 2023-02-20

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Hours of Operation:


10:00 am - 5:00 pm
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Thanks for submitting!

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